Our nursery is based around 3 separate rooms which means children are able to develop at their own pace and can move onto a more challenging environment when the time is right. Please note we use age as a guide only and work with parent to ensure that children move into the next room when they are ready
rosebuds 0-24 MONTHS
This is our twinkly grotto room which young babies and toddlers simply love. It feels cosy, warm and safe and allows the children to feel safe when they are not able to move by themselves yet, and provides them with the opportunity to begin to roll, crawl and walk when they feel ready. As babies they are often not in a set routine which is just the way we like it in Rosebuds, our staff react to the children’s individual needs.
Activities in Rosebuds are concerned with Physical Development such as rolling, learning to hold their own drink cup, Personal, Social and Emotional Development such as forming bonds with carers, and Communication and Language such as turning to recognising familiar sounds.
As the children grow into young toddlers they are ready for more of a stimulating environment and are usually in more of a routine by now. Whilst in Rosebuds the children are encouraged to feed themselves but are given support when needed, sit and listen to rhymes and short stories, and start to understand about sharing toys and equipment.
Sunflowers 2 - 3 Years
This is our largest room in the nursery and is situated on the first floor. This is a very exciting time for young children as they are learning to use the toilet themselves, are able to communicate with adults and their friends more and are able to have more access to challenging equipment at the nursery. We have a sleep / relax room for those who like a rest in the afternoon, a separate creative area where children are taught how to use items such as paint, play dough and scissors. The main part of the room has lots of exciting equipment in, including a large role play area.
Pre-School 3 - 4 Years
By the time children reach pre-school they are practised at sitting listening to stories, joining in group activities and have full control of their own bodies! Pre-school children are encouraged to be independent e.g. putting their own coats on at playtime, helping themselves to fruit snacks, and signing themselves in and out of the room. We following the Letters and Sounds phonics programme and encourage children practice mark making and use number labels a lot, in readiness for school.
The Great Outdoors
Where possible our staff take children to the park for ‘nature walks’ to collect leaves etc, we also use the local park for our Sports Day in summer for the older children. Young babies are often taken out in the buggies with a member of staff qualified in First Aid so they can have fresh air every day. However Little Petals has its own outdoor play area and we try to take each age group out twice a day, weather permitting.
Whilst ensuring a healthy dose of the outdoors, the Little Petals outdoor play area offers the opportunity for the children to make many fond memories of the outdoors. Our garden has a covered area to protect against the elements and as well as physical activities the children can access books, craft equipment and role play. Each spring we plant flowers and seeds with the older children as part of the EYFS curriculum.
Babies Garden
For the younger ones of the nursery, Little Petals have a newly built babies garden. This new garden gives the babies a separate garden to not only play in, but to also get their healthy dose of fresh air. From a spacious area, to many toys for entertainment, the babies garden is a great new addition to the nursery.
Soft play room
We have soft play facilities to encourage creativity, develop motor skills and spatial awareness; Our indoor playground helps the babies, toddlers and younger children healthy and active; This encourages play, whatever the weather; Our room is an indoor play area with soft materials and equipment.